morning all my readers!
I’m going to write about a very lovely creatures but unfortunately it is not a
happy story. Maybe my blog’s name can give you some clue about what living
beings I am referring to. Did you guess it? Exactly, our protagonists of
today are the polar bears.
bears, also known as the Kings of the Arctic, are in danger of extinction due
to a number of factors such as:
Hunting: These
poor animals have been hunted constantly for decades and nowadays continue
being hunted because, although it is forbidden, many people think they are a
serious threat, therefore they hunt them before polar bears can attack.
Because they are predators consume a huge amount of pesticides through their
preys and this weakens them.
But the biggest
threat for the polar bear’s survival is undoubtedly the global warming. They use
the ice caps to have access to their foodstuff, the seals, but without the ice
they are trapped and cannot hunt to feed themselves or their babies.
All in
all, we should change our lifestyle to help not only this beautiful species but
also all the living beings which live in the Arctic since it’s not fair that
they may become extinct because of our actions.